
The following websites & books include helpful information on breastfeeding, attachment parenting, safe sleeping, health, positive discipline and other parenting topics.  They have been recommended by mothers in local LLL groups. We also regularly share articles and other new information on our Facebook page. As with all information provided through La Leche League, please take what works for you and leave the rest.  You are the expert on your child!


Coronavirus and Breastfeeding – from La Le League USA

La Leche League International

New Beginnings – La Leche League USA’s blog

Reading for the Early Weeks – articles and common questions from LLLi

World Health Organization

KellyMom – evidenced based information about parenting and breastfeeding shared by an IBCLC

Videos and Information from Dr. Jack Newman

Video about hand expressing breastmilk from Jane Morten


Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

Sweet Sleep – Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family
